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Yields10 Servings
 2 egg yolks
 2 tbsp lemon juice
 2 tbsp water
 ½ tsp sugar
 1 tsp kosher salt
 1 cup light vegetable oil (canola, peanut, vegetable or light olive oil, not extra virgin)
 ½ tsp dry mustard or prepared Dijon mustard, optional and to taste
 pinch of cayenne, optional, for extra heat

Combine egg yolks, lemon juice, water and sugar in a bowl of your stand mixer. In the meantime, bring a pot of water to a simmer. Set your stand mixer bowl over the simmering water, ensuring that the bowl is not touching the water (if needed, make a ring out of a towel/aluminum foil to hold the bowl higher and prevent it from touching the water.) Stir constantly with a heat resistant spatula to prevent the eggs from scrambling. Bring this mixture to 165 temperature in order to fully pasteurize it.

Please note, if during the first few times of you making this, your eggs scrambled a bit - you can always pass them through a fine-mesh-sieve to get extra smooth consistency.


Move the pan to a bowl of cold water (ensure the water does not get into the egg mixture,) to cool it slightly. Then transfer it to your stand mixer, add 1/4 cup oil, salt and spices (mustard/cayenne if using) and whip on high for 3-4 minutes until thickened.


With the mixer on medium-high to high, start adding the rest of the oil in the thinnest stream possible. Continue whipping until the mixture is thick, lightened in colour and well, looks like Mayonnaise!


Start here and see how you like it. Feel free to experiment and add different oils or acid (how about half lemon juice and half white wine vinegar.) Add a crushed garlic clove at the same time you add spices and replace oil with extra virgin olive oil for garlic aioli.


 2 egg yolks
 2 tbsp lemon juice
 2 tbsp water
 ½ tsp sugar
 1 tsp kosher salt
 1 cup light vegetable oil (canola, peanut, vegetable or light olive oil, not extra virgin)
 ½ tsp dry mustard or prepared Dijon mustard, optional and to taste
 pinch of cayenne, optional, for extra heat



Combine egg yolks, lemon juice, water and sugar in a bowl of your stand mixer. In the meantime, bring a pot of water to a simmer. Set your stand mixer bowl over the simmering water, ensuring that the bowl is not touching the water (if needed, make a ring out of a towel/aluminum foil to hold the bowl higher and prevent it from touching the water.) Stir constantly with a heat resistant spatula to prevent the eggs from scrambling. Bring this mixture to 165 temperature in order to fully pasteurize it.

Please note, if during the first few times of you making this, your eggs scrambled a bit - you can always pass them through a fine-mesh-sieve to get extra smooth consistency.


Move the pan to a bowl of cold water (ensure the water does not get into the egg mixture,) to cool it slightly. Then transfer it to your stand mixer, add 1/4 cup oil, salt and spices (mustard/cayenne if using) and whip on high for 3-4 minutes until thickened.


With the mixer on medium-high to high, start adding the rest of the oil in the thinnest stream possible. Continue whipping until the mixture is thick, lightened in colour and well, looks like Mayonnaise!


Start here and see how you like it. Feel free to experiment and add different oils or acid (how about half lemon juice and half white wine vinegar.) Add a crushed garlic clove at the same time you add spices and replace oil with extra virgin olive oil for garlic aioli.



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