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Wild Rice

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Yields4 Servings
 1 cup wild rice
 5 cups water
 ½ tsp kosher salt

Rinse the rice in a colander under the running water.


Combine rice, water and salt and bring to boil. Cover, reduce to simmer and continue cooking for 45-60 minutes until some of the grains burst open and the texture is chewy. Some recipes recommend using only 3 cups of water and cooking until it’s fully absorbed, but I found the results to be better when its prepared in a way similar to pasta – boil it in more water then needed and when your rice is cooked, drain it.


Enjoy it by itself drizzled with some olive oil, add nuts and dried fruit or stir in a bunch of cooked vegetables for a hearty satisfying dish.


 1 cup wild rice
 5 cups water
 ½ tsp kosher salt



Rinse the rice in a colander under the running water.


Combine rice, water and salt and bring to boil. Cover, reduce to simmer and continue cooking for 45-60 minutes until some of the grains burst open and the texture is chewy. Some recipes recommend using only 3 cups of water and cooking until it’s fully absorbed, but I found the results to be better when its prepared in a way similar to pasta – boil it in more water then needed and when your rice is cooked, drain it.


Enjoy it by itself drizzled with some olive oil, add nuts and dried fruit or stir in a bunch of cooked vegetables for a hearty satisfying dish.


Wild Rice

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