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Soup and Salad

Tomato and Roasted Red Pepper Soup

To be honest, I don’t think I will ever make only a tomato soup. There’s just something so phenomenal about adding roasted red peppers to the tomato soup. Surprisingly, this soup is adored by kids! Especially when we add freshly cooked noodles and other veggies such as frozen peas.

Appetizers, Dinner, Most Popular, Side Dishes

Crispy Sweet Potato Fries

Someone asked me for a truly crispy sweet potato fries recipe! Here you go. Using food science to achieve the crispy results! With this technique, you can finally achieve that perfect crispy texture with your sweet potato fries, turning a tricky task into a delicious success. Enjoy your crispy, golden […]


Flavourful Flank Steak

Flank steak is a flavorful but tough cut of beef that benefits greatly from marinating. Here’s why it’s crucial: In short, marinating transforms flank steak from chewy to succulent, making it a must for this lean, versatile cut. This recipe works for both, flank and skirt steak. When it comes […]

Dinner, Most Popular, Pastas and Pizza

Turkey Bolognese

What a phenomenal dish! Unlike the regular Bolognese, this recipe replaces various kinds of read meat with turkey; the recipe is also loaded with a ton of veggies! Bolognese is a meat sauce cooked with tomatoes, wine and milk. The addition of the milk keeps the meat exceptionally tender, doing […]


Creamy Vanilla Rice Pudding

My husband loves kozyshack rice pudding. So naturally, I had to recreate it. Cooking rice in milk from the start slows down the breakdown of starches, resulting in grainier less tender rice pudding. As such, we parboil rice in water prior to adding it to milk. Rice pudding does not […]